The Bridge Community Church
The Bridge Community Church is one church with three locations near Chicago, Illinois. Our mission is to connect people with God, people, and service.
105 episodes
How To Take An L | Junior Ziegler | Genesis 13
What's the one thing in your life that you'd do anything to get? It may sound crazy, but abandoning that pursuit is oftentimes where God's blessing will find you. How? Check out Junior's message on Genesis 13 for the answer.
Stop Scheming | Scott Ziegler | Genesis 12:10-20
Do you ever find yourself telling half truths or scheming to make your life a little bit easier? While it may feel helpful, working around God isn't a lasting solution. So what is? Check out Scott's message from Genesis 12.
How God Leads | Junior Ziegler | Genesis 12:1-9
Have you ever wondered where God was leading you? Maybe you've even asked Him to show you, but felt like you didn't get an answer. No matter how unknown the future feels, are you still ready to say yes to wherever God leads you next? <...
The List | Scott Ziegler | Titus 1:5-9
When God saves us, He begins to change us and help us become more like Him. There’s a lot of ways we can grow, but what are a select few we can focus on this year? Check out Scott’s message from Titus.
Church Myopia | Denim Trncic | Matthew
Have you ever wondered why the church exists? We all come for different reasons like music, teaching, community, and more, but what's the real purpose? What mission did God give His people, and why? Check out Denim's message from t...
Present | Scott Ziegler | Luke 2
Are you struggling to feel the holiday cheer this season? No matter how hard you try, you just can't find any enjoyment. What needs to change as we head into Christmas? Check out Scott's message on Luke 2 to see how we can savor and emb...
Surrender | Junior Ziegler | Luke 2
Is your holiday season marked by frustration and discontentment? Maybe you're holding onto to your own desires and getting bothered when things don't go your way. How can we truly enjoy this season? Check out Junior's message ...
Assumptions | Scott Ziegler | Luke 1:8-20
As we head into the Christmas season, what does your approach look like? Are you setting yourself up for failure, or are you allowing God to work? Check out Scott’s message from our first weekend in our series, Coal.
Barriers To Hearing God | Denim Trncic | John 10
Do you ever feel like God is silent? Maybe you’ve been wanting to hear Him for a while. What if a few simple changes in your life could allow that to happen? Check out Denim’s message on John 10.
Unanswered Prayer | Junior Ziegler | John 11
It takes a lot to call out to God in hard times, but what happens when we don't feel like He hears us? Do you trust Him even when you don't know how He's working? Check out Junior's message on the story of God answering prayers in a co...
The Lord's Prayer | Denim Trncic | Matthew 6:6-15
There are so many approaches to prayer, and people have a variety of goals when talking to God. Is there a "right" way? How does God want us to pray? Check out Denim's message on the Lord's prayer.
Make Time | Scott Ziegler | Jeremiah 15:16
Does your time with God feel like a chore? Maybe you expect huge insights every day and come up empty. What needs to change to help you in your time with God? Check out our first message in our series, Time With God.
Comfortable | Junior Ziegler | Revelation 3:14-22
Have you gotten comfortable where you’re at? Maybe you’ve lost your fire for God. What’s stopping you from being all in? Let’s push past the comfort zone and find the answer. Check out Junior's message on the letter to the church of La...
Earthquakes and Open Doors | Denim Trncic | Revelation 3:7-13
Life is unpredictable and we often face tragedies we never imagined. In the midst of this, what should our faith look like? Where do we go from here? Check out Denim's message on the letter to the church of Philadelphia.
Wake Up | Junior Ziegler | Revelation 3:1-6
No matter what you do or what your reputation is, if your heart isn’t fully ablaze for God, it’s not worth it. Are you really living for God or just going through the motions? Check out Junior's message on the letter to the church o...
Hidden Issues | Scott Ziegler | Revelation 2:18-29
No matter what you're doing to pursue God, it can be stifled by hidden sins or secrets. What are you holding onto that's blocking you from growing? Check out Scott's message on the letter to the church of Thyatira.
Contamination | Junior Ziegler | Revelation 2:12-17
Often times, cultural values can take over instead of what God calls us to believe. How can we tell if we’re guilty of following what’s popular instead of what’s true? How can we fix it? Check out Junior’s message on the letter to t...
Bumpy Road | Junior Ziegler | Revelation 2:8-11
When dealing with difficult times, where do you stand with God? Maybe you're inspired to stand faithful, or maybe you crumble when faced with bad news. What would it look like to be firm and confident despite your hardships? Check o...
Losing The Why | Junior Ziegler | Revelation 2:1-7
Have you lost your passion? Maybe you've been going through the motions with God and forgotten what first drew you to Him. How do we get back to the first love we had with God? Let's rediscover it together as we open Jesus' letter to t...
From: | Scott Ziegler | Revelation 1
It’s no secret. Revelation tells us Jesus is coming back. It could even be today. How should this affect you? Are you ready? Check out the first message of our series, Seven.
Super Glue | Junior Ziegler | Matthew 5:23-25
There are two words that can repair almost any rift in a relationship. If “I’m sorry” is that powerful, why is it so hard to say it? Let’s not just use those words more, but use them better too! Check out this message as we continue...
Anger | Denim Trncic | James 1:19-20
When problems arise, do you clam up? Or blow up? Is either way really better than the other? While we may handle problems differently, the reality is, we all could handle problems better. Check out this message. It’s one that all of...
Conflict | Junior Ziegler | Philippians 4:1-9
Unfortunately, conflict is something we all deal with often. But how do we handle it well? Truth is, we all need this message. Let’s be peacemakers and work together to be better communicators.